Since kids are like sponges, the best time to educate them on the values of living an Eco-friendly lifestyle is when they’re young and impressionable.
Doing so can spark a new generation of people that may become champions for saving the earth’s environment from destruction.
During your teaching sessions, incorporate how things such as Global Warming affect the environment, people, animals, sea life, insects, etc.
Children are never too young to be taught the value of living a green lifestyle by being responsible people who take every possible measure to reduce their carbon footprints.
Today, I will share six ways that you can use to teach your children how to be more Eco-friendly.
Let’s do this…
1)) Using Public Transportation
Let your little ones know the more people that take public transportation, the less carbon is emitted into the atmosphere.
Use some type of example while explaining.
For instance, you could compare how much less carbon is being emitted into the atmosphere when 100 people take an electric train to work versus them driving 100 gas-powered vehicles.
Simple examples like these can easily put the impact of going green into perspective for children.
2)) Teach Composting
Teach children the basics of composting starting with what it is and the type of items that make good candidates for the process.
To start, encourage them to put veggies and fruit peels into a compost bin.
This simple action can get them into a composting mindset and develop this positive habit they may continue throughout their lives.
One of the biggest benefits of composting is the natural fertilizer it creates, which can be used to provide nutrients for your vegetable garden and fruit trees.
Do your best to make it a fun process for your kids and always stress the benefits of composting.
3)) Gardening
Involve kids in gardening so they can understand the valuable impact plants have on the environment such as absorbing carbon dioxide.
Remember, make it fun!
For example, you could ask them, “Why Are Trees Planted along the Highways?”
The Answer Is: “Trees Are Planted Along The Highways To Absorb Some Of The Carbon Dioxide Emitted By The Vehicles Driving On Them.”
Let them know that carbon is a waste product that we exhale every time we breathe and plants are their best friends that help make it go away.
Just use your creativity and your little ones will get the message.
4)) Encourage Donating
Unfortunately, tons of perfectly good toys end up in our landfills every day of the week.
Encouraging kids to donate their non-broken toys that are still in good condition is an excellent way to prevent them from going into landfills.
Donating also teaches children the value of giving to those that are less fortunate.
5)) Conserve Electricity
If you’ve been paying the electric bill for several years, chances are the monthly rates have increased.
Do you know that in some states people are paying $700 per month on average for their electric bills?
Ouch, right?
There are many steps you can take to lower your bill.
One in which your children could help is to encourage them to turn off items such as lights, fans, TVs, computers, video games, etc.
These acts alone could help to conserve electricity and lower your monthly electric bill.
6)) Recycling
Recycling like donating, help keep items that can be repurposed out of our landfills.
Our ongoing theme has been to make your Eco-friendly teachings fun.
One way to do this is by inventing games that make recycling exciting.
For example, you could purchase several Basketball Hoop Trashcans and have your children attempt to take shots from a distance with safe-to-throw items as if they were in the NBA.
This could encourage your children to pick up after themselves by throwing away their trash instead of leaving it for you to clean up.
I’ve just handed you six ways you can teach your children how to become Eco-friendly that is fun!
Children learn best when you make the lessons fun and exciting.
Heck, adults are the same, because no one likes boring topics, even if they are important.
The way you deliver information to children dictates how well it’s received and retained.
Since green living is more about science than anything else, you should turn your teachings into fun little mini-science lessons.
No matter how much debate about whether Global Warming is a real thing or not, we can all see how the climate is changing for the worst.
It’s snowing in places where it never snows.
There are earthquakes where there have never been any.
We have longer droughts in some places and too much rain in others.
Some parts of the country are experiencing multiple hurricanes and tornadoes.
We don’t need scientists to tell us that our climate is changing.
Teaching your kids at a young age how to reduce their carbon footprints will go a long way toward slowing down the effects of Global Warming.
The key is making your educational sessions fun for the kids you’re teaching.
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